It’s no secret that social media channels are one of the best forms to attract new followers and engage your audience. To do this successfully, you need to consistently share quality content and interesting posts that your followers want to see. You don’t want to be rushing at the last minute to find something to share, and settling for less than the best because you simply didn’t have the time to put into it. Keep reading to find out how to create a year-long social media content calendar for your business. Creating a social media content calendar for the entire year may sound … [Read more...]
Is the Future of Facebook Marketing Dead?
If your Facebook ads seem to be failing you, you’re not alone. If, like many, you feel that you’re spending your time, energy, and resources on paid ads but seeing a smaller organic reach, fewer clicks, and lower revenue, you may be wondering if the future of Facebook marketing is dead. We are here to tell you the answer is no. It is, however, changing and evolving. Facebook is still a major digital marketing platform, but as it evolves we must also evolve our strategies in order to have continued success. What has changed? It is no longer easy to gain tons of organic followers for free. … [Read more...]
Social Media Marketing Trends for 2019
Social media is constantly evolving. There are new apps, updates, features, platforms, and trends coming out all the time. Each year it seems that there are new, unspoken rules to learn. Businesses can use social media as an important part of their digital marketing strategy. Stay ahead of the game and be one of the first to jump on the all of the new ways to catch consumers’ attention through social media. Below are some of the top social media marketing trends that are predicted for 2019. Stay aware of these and implement them into your marketing strategy this year to bring even more … [Read more...]
Broadcast your message where your customers are. Grow your social presence in organic, natural, but powerful ways. We understand the power of social media and how to connect with your potential readers in their living rooms, and smart phones. We'll get your message amplified through the right social media channels. Do you have social channels that aren't reaching your customers well? Do you need to rethink your social presence but need help monitoring them? Please email us or use the contact form below to get in touch! … [Read more...]
New Facebook Changes and Social Media Marketing
A great attribute of a strong social media firm is the ability to think creatively about how to promote and work for their clients. Like an advertising gymnast, media firms have to be flexible, contort and work outside of the box to keep a competitive edge in the growing and ever-changing world of social media. There are no hard and fast rules of social media, yet these non-rules are always changing. New platforms are created, algorithms are adjusted and performance indicators die off and rebirth on a regular basis. Media marketers must think quick, gather and process data, and watch … [Read more...]