Did you know that someone in the U.S. has a stroke every 40 seconds? That’s someone every 40 seconds.
As you may know, May is American Stroke Month, so we’re working with the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association and the Ad Council to raise awareness about Stroke knowledge, prevention, and what to do in an emergency. Here’s why this work matters.
- Stroke is the No. 1 preventable cause of disability – 80 percent of strokes are preventable!
- Only 9% of us can identify all the letters in the F.A.S.T. acronym for stroke.
- When you recognize a stroke and immediately call 9-1-1, the person has a greater chance of getting to an appropriate hospital quickly and being assessed for treatment options like a clot-busting drug or clot-removing device.
Here’s How You Can Help:
Join the #StrokeChat hosted by @American_Stroke on 5/18 at 12pm CDT. Stroke experts will join from local AHA/ASA handles coast to coast and we’ll have an engageing conversation about superpowers, the face of stroke, what’s in the news, and give away some swag from NBA All Star Paul George and ALEX AND ANI who just debuted a new bangle honoring stroke survivors Questions are available in advance upon request.
Take the #StrokeHero Quiz: You don’t need superpowers to be a Stroke Hero. You can be a Stroke Hero by knowing F.A.S.T, the warning signs of stroke, so you’re ready to take action. Share the resources (StrokeAssociation.org/StrokeHero) and the fun (and short) quiz (http://strokeheroquiz.org/) in a blog post or via social media. Be sure to share your result!
Help Prevent Strokes: 80% of Strokes are preventable. Controlling your blood pressure is a great place to start. Share this infographic on your blog to help readers learn how to prevent and treat strokes.
Share as many social media messages as you can throughout May You can always share posts from ASA’s page at Facebook.com/AmericanStroke or RT us on Twitter Twitter.com/American_Stroke. Tagging us in your posts make us happy, too! Remember to include #StrokeHero in all of your posts! Please let us know if you have any questions. Upon request, we can provide a guest post and/or prewritten tweets for you. Several graphics are available below for you to use on social.
Your tweets or blog post could be the key to helping one of your readers save a life. We would appreciate anything you can do to help raise awareness. And if you’d like, we have a guest post prepared here.
On behalf of the Ad Council and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association,
Important Links and Assets:
- Infographic: http://www.strokeassociation.org/idc/groups/ahaecc-public/@wcm/@hcm/@sta/documents/downloadable/ucm_484899.pdf
- Stroke Hero Quiz: http://strokeheroquiz.org/
- Stroke Month Website: StrokeAssociation.org/StrokeHero
- Sample Tweet: You don’t need superpowers to be a #StrokeHero. Live healthier and know the F.A.S.T. warning signs –StrokeAssociation.org/StrokeHero
- Campaign Graphics | This Can Be You- Stroke Hero Flying | This Can Be You- Stroke Hero Jumping | Stroke Hero Male | Stroke Hero Female |Superpower Flying | Superpower Speed | Superpower Strength
- F.A.S.T. Graphics | Face | Arm | Speech | Time | F.A.S.T. Graphic |
Facts about Strokes:
- Someone in the U.S. has a stroke every 40 seconds.
- In the U.S. stroke is the No. 5 cause of death overall, killing nearly 130,000 people a year.
- Stroke is the No. 1 preventable cause of long-term disability.
- About 800,000 people have a stroke every year.
How to spot a stroke F.A.S.T. (the warning signs):
- F – Face Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile.
- A – Arm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
- S – Speech Difficulty – Is speech slurred? Are they unable to speak, or are they hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence like: “The sky is blue.” Is the sentence repeated correctly?
- T- Time to call 9-1-1 – If the person shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get them to the hospital immediately.
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